Drawing the step

Drawing the Step is part of an ongoing investigation by the artist to use time based drawing and printmaking processes to represent her body on site. The book records seven daily walks taken by the artist in Rosendale, New York, with her left hand marking her right footstep and her right hand marking the left footstep. The result is seven pairs of dense black line etchings that are suggestive of lungs, hair or some other corporeal markings. The accompanying sound recordings taken during the walks further orient the viewer to the sites through the ambient sound and the artist’s own presence as walker and scribe.

Book Price: $800
Shipping: $75 (S/H + insurance)
Total: $875.00


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Yale University, National Gallery of Australia, Vassar College, University of Michigan, Rochester Institute of Technology, Indiana University Bloomington, Virginia Commonwealth University, Library of Congress, University of California (Santa Barbara)

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